Home » Update on the new blog


Update on the new blog — 5 Comments

  1. Susanamantha:

    I wanted to get away from the “neocon” designation. People misunderstand what it means, plus since my political change happened so long ago it didnt seem so appropriate any more. But I’ve become known as “neo,” so I wanted to keep that part of it.

    Thus, the new neo.

    Also, some URLs are already taken. For example, neoneo and neosquared and ones like that. I wanted to be “com” and not “org” or “net.”

  2. I understand completely. “Neocon” always conjurs up Paul Wolfowitz (sp?). I was really just being a smartaleck.

  3. If you are still looking for a web person to help with the transfer you might look at http://www.upwork.com. It is a site to find freelancers. I have used it a few times and been happy with the results. For more expensive (but much better vetted) talent there is also http://www.toptal.com.

  4. London Trader:

    Thanks. I already tried there and no responses. I probably will try at wpfixit. We’ll see.

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